Boat Owning 101

There’s a lot that goes into boating. I mean, we sure don’t just hop on and off at the dock. If you are a boat owner, you already know to be vigilant about checking the weather before heading out; you make sure you have what you need on board just in case; you practice Coast Guard recommended safety; and you follow the rules of the “road”. Here are a few tips for new boat owners or those aspiring to be a new boat owner…

If you are planning to tow your boat, driving with your boat in tow can take some getting used to. Do yourself a huge favor and practice maneuvering around and backing up so that when you get out on the road or reach a busy dock, it all comes with ease.

Keeping up with basic boat care and maintenance will help in the long run. The little things, like rinsing the salt off your boat after a day on the water will help you avoid salt residue build-up; and, if you can conquer the simple chores little by little, those tasks won’t pile up on you.

You also want to develop a connection with your new vessel, learning all you can about its operation and maintenance, but don’t be afraid to call upon the helpful experience of a trusted professional like the full-service Gerry’s Marina boat mechanics if there is something you’re not sure of or if you foresee a difficult task in your boat maintenance future. We are always happy to lend an expedient hand.

But hey, don’t let reality cloud the issue, boat ownership is a dream come true for those of us who love the water! The most important thing to do is get out there and enjoy it!

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