Check. The. Weather.

There’s almost nothing better than a gorgeous day out on the water…filled with wildlife watching, fishing, sightseeing down the Intracoastal and stopping along the way at your favorite seaside restaurant or just simply having fun or lounging in the sun. However, once those clouds darken, the wind picks up and wave heights get dangerous, out in your boat is not where you want to be.

Storms can bubble up quickly here in Florida and, if you are a boater, it is imperative to keep your eye to the sky as well as doing your due-diligence before you even think about leaving the dock. That means that no matter what you need to check the weather before you head out to sea. 

Bad weather is no joke when you are out on a boat. Lightning, thunder, raging seas and fickle winds that can suddenly change direction and accelerate and you may not have much time before quickly building wave swells can easily cover the bow of your boat.

If weather reports are questionable and radar indicates that a storm is on the way, rescheduling your boat trip for another day is the wise choice; and if there is a small chance of the weather being a little iffy, it may be best if you don’t venture too far, so that you can reach the shore quickly should things go south.

The moral of this story is that checking the weather report before your boating trip will definitely keep everyone on your boat safer and it may even save lives. So remember, when those skies turn black, turn back…and stay safe out there!

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