Perfect Weather Conditions for Boating

Ever see some dark clouds, hear thunder in the distance or feel the breeze begin to pick up and wonder
“weather” you should still go boating as planned? It’s always a good idea to error on the side of caution
when it comes to weather and boating.
Always take shelter as quickly as possible in the case of thunderstorms, lightning or squall conditions. In
fact, any time your visibility is hindered – in the rain, fog or dark – boating becomes more dangerous.
To plan your boating trip during the best conditions, check the forecast for impending storms, but also
for trends in wind speeds, shifts in wind directions and wind gusts. Wind can affect waves and sea
swells, which can become even more dangerous near reefs and breakwaters. An outgoing tidal flow can
also cause waves to become steeper and your boat more difficult to maneuver.
It is just as important to know how your boat handles short sharp waves and long powerful swells, as it
is for you to know how to handle your boat. Sea height of just one meter can create enough chop to
swamp a small boat.
We all wish for blue skies and calm seas, but remember that even when weather seems perfect, it can
change in an instant, creating dangerous boating conditions. So, always keep your eye to the sky and
your ear to the radio.

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